Saint Michael and All Angels strives to “Preach, Teach, Heal, and Make Disciples.”

We offer Christian Formation opportunities for all ages. We reach out to our youngest children in our Early Learning Center with weekly Story time, Music, and Children’s Chapel. Every Sunday morning at 9:00 AM we offer Adult Christian Formation and Nursery.  We use Godly Play, a Montessori based bible curriculum, to explore the Christian faith with our children.

Be sure to check out our events for upcoming opportunities to become better friends with God.

Current Formation Activities & Videos

What is a Discipleship Group?

A group of 3-4 men or women who get together weekly to pray, talk, and help each other become better friends with God. Each disciple commits about 20 minutes each day during which they read the Bible, pray for the other disciples, and listen to the Holy Spirit in their lives. Each disciple also commits to an hour long gathering with the other disciples each week. The hope is that after about a year in your discipleship group you will be ready to facilitate a new group of disciples.

How Do I Get Started in a Discipleship Group?

Click here to complete a short (1 minute) online survey or complete this printable form and return to Carol Beis. We will use the information you give us to help pair you with a Discipleship Group leader and a few other disciples. Your group leader will contact your group to sort out details about date, time, and place (either in person or virtual as decided by your group).

If you know of someone who might be interested in a Discipleship Group, either inside SMAA or from the wider community, please invite them to join you in a discipleship group and make sure we get their contact information so we can include them.